potency of words

Friday, August 17, 2012

Creativity is the key to success

Failing to realize the dreamy nature of our lives is what makes us often take things for granted. Yet, there exist a parallel reality that one might have not envisioned.  
I proudly announced myself as a graduated student the day I completed my last exam of the final semester in Sherubtse College. On June the 22nd, I spent my last but confusing night at the college campus. I was excited for I was heading home the very next day, yet, I felt as if something was missing. I have always wished for that day to come for my entire stay out there in the college. However, that day never turned out to be what I have had actually pictured. I took a very long time, indeed, was too late, to realize the fact that the moments that I had in college is never going to ensue again.  An angst feeling has always been passing through my mind, it never let go of me. In a way I forget to cherish the present. But I do have some very special moments like everyone does; a memory lived in me, a perfectly encapsulated morsel of a good past.
Today I am standing in an open field of job market which seems to be speckled with thousands others who go scrounging around countless offices, desperate to get a job. However, only few returns home with curled lips. What about the rest? They just return home hoping that every dog has his own day. For some this period of franticness appears to be a short, while for some it is as if there is no end to this desperation. All they could do is watch failure upon failure smearing their lives, taking them further away from the kind of dream they have in their minds.
This is what I fear the most-“would my life not be shrouded with such predicament?” I don’t know but my inner instinct always confronts me because of which I always manage to be optimistic about my life. The moment I stepped into this strange world I sensed something very unusual, not about what emerged beyond my pursed world, but in regard to my own home itself.  Never did a moment of comfort glitter in me unlike before. It is not because I was being mistreated by my family. Instead, a kind of a feeling always creeps within me, reminding me of my independent state especially after completing my degree. And the worse part of being unemployed for me is the ceaseless pressure from the family, friends and the entire society as general. I have just got hold of the keys which can lead me to different doors to enter into the real and bigger world. I haven’t even started looking for jobs, yet, I could feel the stench of something dank, bludgeoned my nostril already. Being unemployed is thus, like snorting impatiently in despair. We can do nothing but to fret about our future.    
Today, no matter where on earth we stand, one thing has definitely become widespread fact. The society around us has redefined our lives and it is not based upon what we really are, rather upon what we do for living. At this very juncture, every graduate are likely to face a moment of the reality that surrounds them like a mist on the water. Becoming a part of a society is never an easy task. Why? It is because whenever we pour ourselves into a society, the very first question the people ask is “What do you do (for living)?” This inevitable question itself turns out to be the main subject to discuss regardless of who ask it. For those who manage to muddle through, it is a moment of pride but sadly for those who don’t, it’s rather a moment of exasperation, a despair that entangles them because of the disappointment that they confront. Those who are wise looks upon them with sympathy while those who are spiteful, often reckons them as a ‘loser’. We often find ourselves in a situation where we have to either step up for the competition or to back as a loser.
Today, regardless of the nature of employers, be it government or private, most of them are in search of employees with experience in respective fields which is what most of the fresh graduates lack. Despite such requirements whenever there is a vacancy announcement on the internet or in the print media, it grabs the attention of thousands only to add another book of failure in the book shelf. Where do we the graduates stand today?  Unfortunately nowhere until we are smart enough to brazen out the ceaseless challenges put forward by the society. Are the standards of today’s graduates declining or those seeking them are ascending? This is a very important question that shouldn’t be taken for granted, instead it should he hooked up to the orbit that revolves around out mind every time.
The road to success always meanders through different opportunities, an opportunity that might seldom turn to us. Therefore, grab what comes on your way because you never know where it might take you. People always wonder and fret about their future, and it is a good thing to do as there is a kind of a saying “Not everyone who wonder is lost, they wonder in order to discover something”. The process of globalization has presented what we call the most challenging determinant in this contemporary world; having creativity. Modern education is a vehicle that propels our wits and creativeness and lets us ride upon the road towards success. Thus, as an educated we must take the advantage of our situation.  Creativity is the greatest weapon a man could ever have which must be used at this very moment of our lives.
However, this alone cannot be credited to a moment that could make us rise to the summit of success like the rising sun. Having strong faith and believing in yourself is a kind of attitude you must possess all the time. “You are serving but you are never a servant. Serving is an art practiced by the supreme-being himself. Gods serves man but he is not a servant of man”, a person who serves himself well habitually helps others as well. And this kind of thinking is what most of the employers want to see within you.

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