potency of words

Friday, June 7, 2013

Political Anticipation

These days, everyone, be it educated or uneducated are engaging themselves into hot debates and it has become an interminable process. The din of these debates has stuffed all around. Every conversation becomes desultory, yet, the central idea at the back of their mind seems to hang around the ongoing political scenario.  

People watch BBS incredulously, agreeing and disagreeing among themselves, making every conversation a vivacious one. It’s a very good sign that people from all walks of life are paying close attention to what the politicians say. A sense of inertness which most of the people cling on to before, now at the demise of the first politically elected government extricated itself from the embrace of the new political scenario. People now really started having pensive moods upon the core principles of democracy. It therefore, propels the uninterested minds of many other oblivious people in becoming an active part of it.

However, one thing has remained unchanged; the inquisitive attitude. People are still judging an individual (competing politicians) upon whom they have been, instead of comprehending the ideologies of a political party and seeing those individuals as part of a party for most of the people a strong sense of detachment is still lacking.  

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